Thursday, October 31, 2019

Econometrics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Econometrics - Essay Example Moreover, the scatter plots of income versus consumption and income versus investment are also plotted. The graphs show that the actual plots of all the variables except the government non-wage income show fluctuating trends with alternative peaks and troughs in the period of analysis. The correlograms of all the variables except the government non-wage income become zero from the third order ones. This shows that all the variable except the government non-wage income show fluctuating trends in the period of analysis. Government non-wage income show steady rising trend in the period of analysis. The correlogram of this variable is not gradually declining and remains the same. The scatter plots show that there is a significant positive correlation between income and consumption .Though a positive correlation can be seen income and investment, it is not so significant compared to the previous one. The OLS estimation for consumption shows perfect model fit. The coefficients for wage income and profit income are positive and significant. One percent rise in wage income leads to a significant rise of 19 percent consumption while one percent rise in wage income leads to a significant rise of 79 percent in consumption. The actual and fitted values of Consumption shows perfect fit as shown from the graphs in appendix 2. The 2SLS estimation shows that only wage income is significant in determining consumption .Here the coefficient for wage income has increased to 81.6 percent compared to the OLS estimation. At the same time profit income lost its significance here. The actual and fitted vales show perfect fit in this case also. For the estimation of investment with OLS, current and lagged values of profit income are positive and significant while lagged value of capital stock is significant and negative in determining investment. One percent rise in current and lagged

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

No preference Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

No preference - Coursework Example However, the level of technology has led to interpretation of the constitution into simple terms changing the original meaning. The development of the translational corporation for the last decades indicates how the power has shifted away from sovereignty in nations that have embraced technology. The mass media has caused a lot of influence on democracy. Some magazines and television stations criticize the behaviors of political leaders. Gone are the days when the reporters could not talk about political leaders without facing punishment. The advancement in technology will continue influencing the constitution. In future, rules of voting will change. Citizens may never vote through the ballot box. Elections will take place through the internet and voters will cast their votes online. All citizens will have a freedom of posting their criticism about some behaviors in the internet. A constitution plays a leading role in every country. However, rules and regulation differs in each country. It is very difficult for an individual to rule out that which is a majoritys agreement. Therefore, being a citizen in a particular country one has to adhere to the rules and regulations governing that country (Stone & Marshal, 2015) Different country support death penalty for murderers while others support life imprisonment. However, criminal regulations depend on the constitution of the state. Much as death penalty may seem unfair to the offender, it is advantageous as it helps curb murder

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact of Slavery on Industrial and Consumer Society

Impact of Slavery on Industrial and Consumer Society What part did slavery play in the emergence of an industrial and a consumer society in Britain in the period 1700-1820? Slavery did play a part in the emergence of an industrial and consumer society in Britain during the period 1700-1820. Slavery did play a part in the emergence of an industrial and an consumer society, but not significantly. Firstly, Slavery enabled large quantities of commodities to be produced and imported to Britain, which led to the consumer society. A consumer society is defined as (Dictionary, 2017)a society in which the buying and selling of goods and services is the most important economic activity. The consumer society in Britain was on the up during the period 1700-1820, with valuable commodities such as tea and sugar appearing in most homes in Britain. But slaverys part in the emergence of an industrial society was that it was that the profits contributed to the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution was an economic advance for the country. It was the transition to a new and different process where the sugar industry wasnt dominant. Industries such as textiles an d Iron were more important to the industrial society. Slaverys profits are believed to have funded the industrial revolution. The idea that slavery played a part in the emergence of an industrial and consumer society will be explored further using various sources and examples such as text from Inikori, Blackburn, Eltis and evidence from Sugar Dynasty a DVD source. Firstly, slavery played a key part in the emergence of an industrial and consumer society because the slave trade produced valuable commodities for Britain, the main example of this is Caribbean sugar. This argument is supported by Joseph Inikori, a Nigerian scholar who studies Atlantic history in America. Inikori states that (Inikori, 2002, p.481) enslaved Africans and their descendants were the only specialised producers of commodities in the Americas for Atlantic commerce. This would mean that slaves were part of the emergence of a consumer society because they were the only way of producing certain commodities such as sugar which was exclusively made abroad as. Evidence from the DVD source Sugar Dynasty also argues that the part slavery played in the emergence of a consumer society in Britain. The narrator of the DVD explains how sugar was imported back to Britain where even labourers families could buy sugar for their tea. This doesnt mean it was cheap to buy. Frederick Eden exp lains how much was spent on these comodities in his book The State and the Poor Vol 3, and more was spent on tea and sugar than on rent. Sugar is recorded in this text as costing 9d per pound. This will link later to how profits of slavery played a part in the emergence of an industrial and consumer society, as evidence of how much Caribbean sugar was being sold for and how the profits from it could have funded industrial change. Although it was a valuable commodity it wasnt cheap. Others have argued that slaverys part in the emergence of an industrial and consumer society has been exaggerated. David Eltis is one historian who has argued this. Eltis argues that the slave trade only formed a tiny share of Britains Atlantic trade. Eltis uses quantitative data to support this. He states (Eltis, 2001)The slave trade thus accounted for less than 3 percent of British shipping tonnage. this data from Eltis shows how little a part slavery played in the emergence of an industrial and consume r society in Britain. Also, Eltis makes a good argument that if slavery and industrial growth were linked and if it did at all contribute significantly to industrialization then Eltis says that the first industrial economy should have been Portugal. As Portugal (Eltis, 2001) managed to carry 40 percent more slaves across the Atlantic than did the British. Therefore, he argues slavery did not play a part in the emergence of a consumer society in Britain. Instead, Eltis argues that the emergence of an industrial and consumer society was down to other industries. The sugar industry which was produced by the slave trade was not a large enough industry and therefore couldnt have funded industrial change in Britain. Eltis shows this again with the use of quantitative data (Eltis, 2001)Table 10.1 in Eltis Europe and the Atlantic Slave System shows the values adding in millions and the total labour forces of different industries in 1805. Iron, Woollen textiles, sheep farming and coal all ha d a higher value added than Caribbean sugar. Iron for example has a value of output at 16.2 million compared with Caribbean sugar at 5.47 added. Eltis uses a lot of quantitative date in this work. The advantage of this is that it is more reliable and therefore leads Eltis to state that Caribbean sugar was not the largest contributing industry to Britain, as it provided relatively small inputs to other industries. The important point here that Eltis makes is that (Eltis, 2001)Sugar was just one of hundreds of industries in an economy that was already complex this explains to us that it would be difficult to pinpoint what part slavery played when the economy was already complex. Although he does not deny that Slavery played a part in the emergence of an industrial and a consumer society, that part was to supply the country with commodities from a small industry. And contribute to the industrial and consumer society, but in a very minor way. Therefore, slavery did play a part in the em ergence of an industrial and consumer society as the slave trade provided the country with valuable commodities. Furthermore, the part that slavery played in the emergence of an industrial and an consumer society is that it produced the profits which funded the industrial revolution. They boosted the economy of Britain. Eric Williams argued this with his thesis Williams thesis. He claimed in Capitalism and Slavery (Williams, (1961 [1944]))that the profits of slavery were such as to fertilize every branch of national production and set British capitalism off to a flying start. Williams believed this was down to the triangular trade. The triangular trade was the route taken by Europeans to transport goods to Africa and exchanged for slaves, that were then taken to the Americas. Therefore, slaverys part in the emergence of an industrial society was that the profits funded industrial capitalism. However, Williams book is criticised by Blackburn for having (Blackburn, 1997)attempted no quantitative demonstration of its thesis which would have helped greatly with his argument. As discussed above, qua ntitative is important as it is supportive with numbers and figures. There are several tables in Blackburns primitive Accumulation and British Industrialization that attempt to pin point a figure of profit made from the slave trade. But despite this there is no table that states how much profit was directly invested into the industrial revolution. Referring the DVD Sugar Dynasty it gives us an idea of where profits could have been going. The DVD shows us that the planters indulged in rich and expensive food and drink. The narrator of the programme then goes on to say how the excess consumed by planters discussed visitors to Jamaica. This can be interpreted to mean that they were consuming ridiculously expensive food. We can refer to Blackburns writing to build further on this, (Blackburn, 1997) Since a large number of plantation owners were absentees, they were inclined to remit profits to Britain with some adjustment according to their estimate of commercial prospects this builds o n the idea that some profits could have been retained by plantation owners to fund their lavish lifestyles. So, slavery did play a part, but more importantly it was the profits which played a part in the emergence of an industrial and consumer society. But it is unknown how much profits were invested, it would be difficult to determine how much was invested and to what impact it had. In conclusion, Slaverys part in the emergence of an industrial and consumer society in Britain in the period 1700-1820 was that it provided valuable commodities which was important to the consumer society in Britain at the time. As these commodities were in most households but was also very expensive. Also, Slaverys profits were believed to have played a part in the emergence of an industrial society in Britain as they contributed to the investment of Britain. However, we went on to find out that the slave trade made up for only a minority of the investment into the industrial revolution. Overall slavery played only a few parts in the emergence of an industrial and consumer society in Britain. References Blackburn, R. (1997). The Making of New World Slavery: from the Baroque to the Modern, 1492-1800. Dictionary, O. (2017). Consumer Society. Retrieved from Oxford Dictionaries: Eltis, D. (2001). The Volume and structure of the transatlantic slave trade: a reassessment (Vol. 58). William and MAry Quarterly. Waites, B. . (2007). Block 4: Slavery and freedom. Milton Keynes: The Open University. Williams, E. ((1961 [1944])). Capitalism and Slavery.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Appearance vs Reality Essay -- essays papers

Appearance vs Reality One normally disguises in order to be someone else, whether this be in a costume during Halloween, or as a character in a play or movie. Shakespeare uses the idea of disguise in his ‘Taming of the Shrew’ The minor theme of the play is appearance vs reality. Throughout the drama, things are never really as they seem. Katherine appears to be a real shrew, but it is all a cover-up for the hurt she feels. Bianca appears to be a self-sacrificing angel, but she is really a spoiled young lady who can quickly revert to shrewish behavior. Baptista appears to the outside world as a wonderful father; in truth, he pampers Bianca, totally spoiling her, and treats Katherine badly, depriving her of the loving attention she needs and seeks. Pe...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Beowulf Assessment

In the epic, Beowulf, the main character faces many antagonists who have the exact opposite of the virtues of Anglo-Saxon culture. Beowulf, the protagonist, obviously possesses all the virtues important to Anglo-Saxons. The first antagonist that Beowulf faces is named Unferth. Unferth is not loyal in that killed his brother slyly and that he offers Beowulf a sword to fight Grendel that shows that he is too cowardly to fight the monster himself. Loyalty and bravery are two of the most important virtues present in Anglo-Saxon literature. Unferth is also demeaning and cruel to his guest Beowulf. In most Anglo-Saxon literature, hospitality towards guests is very important and expected. The next antagonist is Grendel. He is very ambiguous and very monstrous in appearance although exhibiting many human emotion and impulses. Grendel exhibits aggression, loneliness, and jealously. He is somewhat cowardly in that he attacks at night when men are asleep and he runs back to his lair after his encounter with Beowulf. Grendel’s mother has the same virtues as her son except she fights out of anger. She really has no cause for fighting. The dragon is very grotesque and preys on the town. He is very selfish which is not part of an Anglo-Saxon protagonist like Beowulf in that he attacks the town after having one piece of treasure stolen. All three monsters are portrayed as evil, aggressive villains especially since they battle against the hero, Beowulf. Unferth is a human example of a protagonist lacking loyalty and bravery.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Primo Levi

The Reawakening, by Primo Levi, is a sequel to his first novel, Survival in Auschwitz. It is a deeply powerful memoir of his liberation from the most brutal concentration camps of them all, Auschwitz. Published in 1946, the story of Primo Levi’s pursuit for freedom has inspired many people around the world. Levi’s quest back home to Italy was a grueling mission, from ruthless acts of the Nazi regime, the traumatic effects of imprisonment in Auschwitz and the near death experience of hunger and illness.The Holocaust brought a cloud of darkness filled with pain and despair. Very few victims of the Holocaust survived and those who did found it extremely hard to cope with the traumatic memories that the Holocaust instilled in them. Those who were liberated from Nazi persecution did not feel the freedom they longed for but instead felt that their quest for freedom was like a dream; a nightmare that they would never wake up from. It is fair to say that Primo Levi’s jou rney back home was his own â€Å"reawakening† from the nightmare of Auschwitz.Primo Levi’s encounters, tenacity and determination kept his moral spirit alive enabling him to survive one of the most grueling times in history. The liberation of Nazi concentration camps by allied forces was a great accomplishment during the World War II. After many long years, the victims of the concentration camps were finally granted freedom. However, the chance of survival for the recently liberated prisoners was just as dim as if they were in the camps. Many Jews wanted to immigrate to the â€Å"promise land† located in Israel but because of the lack of resources and strict immigration laws many were unable to do so.Primo Levi, a survivor from Auschwitz, encounters many challenges through his ten month quest back to his home in Italy. Levi’s determination to return to his â€Å"promise land† forced him fight against the great darkness of death, illness and hunger. Levi’s long and grueling journey made him realize that liberty did not bring the survivors to the â€Å"promised land. † They were left to fend for themselves, suffering each day like they did in the camps. Those who were lucky enough to survive the aftermath of the war struggled to establish a new â€Å"free† life.Primo Levi’s Reawakening displays the many hardships that the survivors of the Holocaust had to face trying to get to their â€Å"promise land. † Levi’s liberation and quest back home took him through many countries in Europe, from Hungry to Russia and finally Romania before reaching Italy. Throughout this journey, Levi had the opportunity to see all walks of life. The vision of Auschwitz was traumatizing but through his travels he was able to see beautiful country sides and villages, burned homes, and places of death and destruction.The darkness of poverty and the illuminating light of flourishing markets made Levi’s jour ney a very strange and awkward quest. Primo Levi was able to see the beauty in freedom but he was still haunted by the memories of death and despair that the Holocaust left on its victims in Europe. The memory of Auschwitz will never subside in Levi’s thoughts. Throughout the novel, Levi recalls the brutal experiences that he and his fellow Jewish people encountered in the concentration camps.The haunting of the Holocaust took a huge toll on Primo Levi’s emotional and physical well being, leaving him with many unanswered questions. If the war was over why was there still hungry mouths to feed, sick souls to nourish and damaged lives to fix? The end of the war did not promise freedom for Jews but instead made them walk a path of fear and hatred. The establishment of new life was hard for the survivors of the concentration camps, for they had been so dehumanized that is was impossible for them to come to grips with reality.The survivors were so used to living and sleepin g with corpses that they too felt that their own soul was no longer with them. It was very difficult for Jews to recuperate from the racial purification attempts of the Holocaust, but those who showed hope and perseverance through theses grueling times were able to regain their life and self worth. Throughout Levi’s reawakening, he met very extraordinary people, many of whom are survivors of the Holocaust just like him. These people can be seen as a symbol in Levi’s reawakening helping him establish new life after liberation.Jews are deeply hated amongst the European nation and Levi encounters three authority figures they guide him with rules that he must abide in order to escape detestation. During a walk along the churches of Cracow, Levi came across the first authority figure, a priest. They carried the most â€Å"extravagant and chaotic conversation in Latin. † (Levi, 50) At the end of their encounter the priest advises Levi not to speak German in public. Th e second authority figure that Levi encountered was a lawyer traveling through Treblinka. He was a Polish man but he could speak German as well.Like the priest, he also advised Levi not to speak German in public. A police officer, the third figure of authority in Levi’s reawakening, showed compassion towards Levi and offered him â€Å"a night in warmth, in jail. † (Levi, 56) This kind Italian officer warned Levi not to speak in German as well. German is the language of the Nazis, who are greatly feared and hated because of their malicious actions towards Jews. These figures in Levi’s reawakening gave Levi comfort with their advice and shown him that in order to establish new life he must abide by the rules.Another very important figure in Levi’s reawakening was Mordo Nahum, the â€Å"Greek. † The Greek was the vision of life, showing Levi the qualities of hard work, perseverance and friendship. Qualities such as these were vital in they key to surv ival during the aftermath of the War. Like Levi, Greek was also a Jew but he was not like anyone Levi had ever met. He was a strong, logical and cold man that believed â€Å"his life has been one of war. † (Levi, 52) Many survivors believed that the world owed them for their sufferings during the Holocaust but liberty never took place.Immigration laws and conferences such as the Bermuda Conference and the Evian Conference did not do much for the Jewish refugees. The Greek realized the ignorance and selfishness that the world shared and made it clear to Levi that he must learn how to fend for himself because no one will do it for him. This may sound insensitive of the Greek but there is always war and one must learn how to fight against darkness. The Reawakening, by Primo Levi, is a remarkable account of the brutal hardships and hope that the survivors of the Holocaust had to endure.Levi’s memory and experience of the Holocaust have made him a very humble and non-judgme ntal person. Levi does not tell his story with a biased approach, but instead writes like a journalist that gives every detail about the events that has happened in his life. I feel that Levi’s ability to face the darkness of Holocaust without hatred and animosity is a great testament to his strength and character. He gives the facts about Jewish liberation and shows the reader his account and â€Å"reawakening† from the Holocaust. Primo Levi The Reawakening, by Primo Levi, is a sequel to his first novel, Survival in Auschwitz. It is a deeply powerful memoir of his liberation from the most brutal concentration camps of them all, Auschwitz. Published in 1946, the story of Primo Levi’s pursuit for freedom has inspired many people around the world. Levi’s quest back home to Italy was a grueling mission, from ruthless acts of the Nazi regime, the traumatic effects of imprisonment in Auschwitz and the near death experience of hunger and illness.The Holocaust brought a cloud of darkness filled with pain and despair. Very few victims of the Holocaust survived and those who did found it extremely hard to cope with the traumatic memories that the Holocaust instilled in them. Those who were liberated from Nazi persecution did not feel the freedom they longed for but instead felt that their quest for freedom was like a dream; a nightmare that they would never wake up from. It is fair to say that Primo Levi’s jou rney back home was his own â€Å"reawakening† from the nightmare of Auschwitz.Primo Levi’s encounters, tenacity and determination kept his moral spirit alive enabling him to survive one of the most grueling times in history. The liberation of Nazi concentration camps by allied forces was a great accomplishment during the World War II. After many long years, the victims of the concentration camps were finally granted freedom. However, the chance of survival for the recently liberated prisoners was just as dim as if they were in the camps. Many Jews wanted to immigrate to the â€Å"promise land† located in Israel but because of the lack of resources and strict immigration laws many were unable to do so.Primo Levi, a survivor from Auschwitz, encounters many challenges through his ten month quest back to his home in Italy. Levi’s determination to return to his â€Å"promise land† forced him fight against the great darkness of death, illness and hunger. Levi’s long and grueling journey made him realize that liberty did not bring the survivors to the â€Å"promised land. † They were left to fend for themselves, suffering each day like they did in the camps. Those who were lucky enough to survive the aftermath of the war struggled to establish a new â€Å"free† life.Primo Levi’s Reawakening displays the many hardships that the survivors of the Holocaust had to face trying to get to their â€Å"promise land. † Levi’s liberation and quest back home took him through many countries in Europe, from Hungry to Russia and finally Romania before reaching Italy. Throughout this journey, Levi had the opportunity to see all walks of life. The vision of Auschwitz was traumatizing but through his travels he was able to see beautiful country sides and villages, burned homes, and places of death and destruction.The darkness of poverty and the illuminating light of flourishing markets made Levi’s jour ney a very strange and awkward quest. Primo Levi was able to see the beauty in freedom but he was still haunted by the memories of death and despair that the Holocaust left on its victims in Europe. The memory of Auschwitz will never subside in Levi’s thoughts. Throughout the novel, Levi recalls the brutal experiences that he and his fellow Jewish people encountered in the concentration camps.The haunting of the Holocaust took a huge toll on Primo Levi’s emotional and physical well being, leaving him with many unanswered questions. If the war was over why was there still hungry mouths to feed, sick souls to nourish and damaged lives to fix? The end of the war did not promise freedom for Jews but instead made them walk a path of fear and hatred. The establishment of new life was hard for the survivors of the concentration camps, for they had been so dehumanized that is was impossible for them to come to grips with reality.The survivors were so used to living and sleepin g with corpses that they too felt that their own soul was no longer with them. It was very difficult for Jews to recuperate from the racial purification attempts of the Holocaust, but those who showed hope and perseverance through theses grueling times were able to regain their life and self worth. Throughout Levi’s reawakening, he met very extraordinary people, many of whom are survivors of the Holocaust just like him. These people can be seen as a symbol in Levi’s reawakening helping him establish new life after liberation.Jews are deeply hated amongst the European nation and Levi encounters three authority figures they guide him with rules that he must abide in order to escape detestation. During a walk along the churches of Cracow, Levi came across the first authority figure, a priest. They carried the most â€Å"extravagant and chaotic conversation in Latin. † (Levi, 50) At the end of their encounter the priest advises Levi not to speak German in public. Th e second authority figure that Levi encountered was a lawyer traveling through Treblinka. He was a Polish man but he could speak German as well.Like the priest, he also advised Levi not to speak German in public. A police officer, the third figure of authority in Levi’s reawakening, showed compassion towards Levi and offered him â€Å"a night in warmth, in jail. † (Levi, 56) This kind Italian officer warned Levi not to speak in German as well. German is the language of the Nazis, who are greatly feared and hated because of their malicious actions towards Jews. These figures in Levi’s reawakening gave Levi comfort with their advice and shown him that in order to establish new life he must abide by the rules.Another very important figure in Levi’s reawakening was Mordo Nahum, the â€Å"Greek. † The Greek was the vision of life, showing Levi the qualities of hard work, perseverance and friendship. Qualities such as these were vital in they key to surv ival during the aftermath of the War. Like Levi, Greek was also a Jew but he was not like anyone Levi had ever met. He was a strong, logical and cold man that believed â€Å"his life has been one of war. † (Levi, 52) Many survivors believed that the world owed them for their sufferings during the Holocaust but liberty never took place.Immigration laws and conferences such as the Bermuda Conference and the Evian Conference did not do much for the Jewish refugees. The Greek realized the ignorance and selfishness that the world shared and made it clear to Levi that he must learn how to fend for himself because no one will do it for him. This may sound insensitive of the Greek but there is always war and one must learn how to fight against darkness. The Reawakening, by Primo Levi, is a remarkable account of the brutal hardships and hope that the survivors of the Holocaust had to endure.Levi’s memory and experience of the Holocaust have made him a very humble and non-judgme ntal person. Levi does not tell his story with a biased approach, but instead writes like a journalist that gives every detail about the events that has happened in his life. I feel that Levi’s ability to face the darkness of Holocaust without hatred and animosity is a great testament to his strength and character. He gives the facts about Jewish liberation and shows the reader his account and â€Å"reawakening† from the Holocaust.